leaving prison with mask

Rationing Behind Bars: Resource Allocation in Jails and Prisons during COVID-19

The ARRWIP team collaborated with Brendan Saloner, PhD, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, on this study examining the ethical dimensions of COVID-19 related care decision-making in incarcerated settings.

Funded by: Greenwall Foundation

Greenwall Foundation

Journal Publications:

Kramer C, Song M, Sufrin CB, Eber GB, Rubenstein LS, Saloner B. Release, reentry, and reintegration during COVID-19: perspectives of individuals recently released from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Health Equity. 2023; 7:1, 384–394, doi: 10.1089/heq.2022.0172.

Saloner B, Kramer C, Song M, Doan, B, Eber, G, Rubenstein, L, Sufrin, C. COVID-19 Restrictions in Jails, Prisons, and Other Facilities: Carceral Leaders Offer Their Perspectives. Health Affairs. 2023;42(6):841-848.

Song, M., Kramer, C.,Sufrin, C. B., Eber, G. B., Rubenstein, L. S., & Saloner, B. (2023). “It was like you were being literally punished for getting sick”: Formerly incarcerated people’s perspectives on liberty restrictions during COVID-19. AJOB Empirical Bioethics.  2023;1-12. doi:10.1080/23294515.2023.2180105

Kramer, C., Song, M., Sufrin, C. B., Eber, G. B., Rubenstein, L. S., & Saloner, B. (2023). COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and uptake: Perspectives from people released from the Federal Bureau of PrisonsVaccine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.01.039