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ARRWIP depends on philanthropic funds to sustain its programs and propel research forward. All donations are tax-deductible when made to Johns Hopkins University, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, a 501c3 charitable organization. Funding will allow Dr. Sufrin and her team to expand reproductive social health research and advocate for the reproductive wellness of incarcerated people.

To lend your support or learn more, please contact Ashley Ostrega, Senior Development Officer by email at or by phone at 443-977-8583. You can give online now or mail a check, made payable to Johns Hopkins University, with “Dr. Carolyn Sufrin Research Fund” in the memo line to: Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine, Attn: Ashley Ostrega, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 1700, Baltimore, MD 21202

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